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Pulverising mills | What is Pulverising mills

 Pulverising mills 

Pulverising mills are often designated with sizes starting with BBD, named so for Broyer (the inventor), Boulet (french word for balls), and Direct Firing.

पिसाई मिलों को अक्सर आकारों के साथ जोड़ा जाता है। इसकी शुरुआत बीबीडी के साथ होती है। बीबीडी का फुल फार्म ब्रॉयर (आविष्कारक), बोलेट (गेंदों के लिए फ्रेंच शब्द) और डायरेक्ट फायरिंग है।

Pulverising mills


PULVERISING MILL is a complete grinding unit of heavy duty and continuous working without any awkward effect. The grinding unit is specially designed for fine grinding of minerals, ochres, Talc, Wollastonite, calcite, Marble, Hydrated Lime, Lime Stone, Red Oxide, Soap Stone, Dolomite, etc.

Pulverising mills are often designated with sizes starting with BBD, named so for Broyer (the inventor), Boulet (french word for balls), and Direct Firing.
