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Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 9 Social Science PT-1 Question Paper | Previous Year Class 9 Social Science Periodic test 1 Question Paper - Universal

  CBSE Class 9 Social Science PT-1 Question Paper

Q.     The National Assembly framed a Constitution in 1791 to limit the power of the 
Ans- Monarch.

Q. French women demanded the right:
Ans- a) to vote

(b) to be elected to the assembly 

(c) to hold political office

(d) all of the above

Q. The word 'Democracy' comes from the Greek word :
Ans- Democratia.

Q. 'One person, one vote' means: 
Ans- One person has one vote and each vote has one value.

Q. Some of the drawbacks of democracy are:
Ans- (a) in stability and delays

(b) corruption and hypocrisy

(c) politicians fighting among themselves

(d) all of the above

Q. The most common form that democracy takes in our time

is that of:
Ans- Representative Democracy.

Q. What is the latitude which divides the country into two equal parts?
Ans- Tropic of Cancer.

Q. What is the rank of India according
to its size and area?

Ans- Seventh.

Q. Working capital stands for
Ans- Raw materials and money in hand.

Q. How many families lives in village Palampur ?
Ans- 450. 

Q.  Which estate in France pay taxes out of all?
Ans- The third Estate = Businessman, merchants, small farmers, artisans, servants, and labors belonged to this group. And they had to pay all types of taxes including tithes and taille.

Q. What was Tithe?
Ans- Tithe was a tax levied by the church, comprising one-tenth of the agricultural produce.

Q.  In which country women donot have right to vote ?
Ans- In Saudi Arabia, women do not have the right to vote.

Q. Define the term 'Democracy'.
Ans-Democracy is a form of government in which people have the right to choose their representatives.

Q.  What is the longitudinal extent of India ?
Ans- It extends between 68°7′ E to 97°25′E.

Q.  Which canal has reduced India's distance from Europe by 7000
Ans- The Suez Canal
Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, distance between India and Europe has been reduced by 7000 kms.
Q. What are the main factors of production ? 
Ans- Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship(Please write in long sentence if it is of more than 1 marks)
Q.  Who were the member of Jacobin Club? Who was the leader?
Ans- The members of the Jacobin club belonged mainly to the less prosperous sections of society. They included small shopkeepers, artisans such as shoemakers, pastry cooks, watch-makers, printers, as well as servants and daily-wage workers. Their leader was Maximilian Robespierre.
Q.  How does democracy enhance the dignity of citizen ?
Ans- Democracy is based on the principle of equality where every citizen irrespective of his/her caste or class has the right to vote. People whether educated or not elect their own representatives. This makes the people rulers themselves. This enhances the dignity of citizens.
Q.  What would happen if India was not a democrary?
Ans-If there was no democracy then all the people could not have followed their religion and customs with freedom and there would have been conflicts between different religious and linguistic groups where the minorities would have lived in fear and insecurity.
Q. What do you understand by 'Green Revolution'?
Ans- Green Revolution is associated with agricultural production. It is the period when agriculture of the country was converted into an industrial system due to the adoption of modern methods and techniques like the use of high yielding variety seeds, tractors, irrigation facilities, pesticides, and fertilizers.
Q.  Name the two seas located around India.
Ans- Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal.
Q. What were the main causes of French revolution? Discuss in breif. 
Ans- Causes of the French Revolution:

Despotic rule of Louis XVI: He became the ruler of France in 1774. He had drained the financial resources of France in wars. For the cost of his regular extravagant expenses, he increased taxes which were paid by the third estate.
Division of French society: The French society was divided into three estates; first, second and third estates, respectively. Among them, First and Second Estates had 10 per cent of the total population and were the clergy and nobles. They enjoyed all privileges. Rest of the 90 per cent was of the third estate, which paid all kinds of direct or indirect taxes. This kind of discrimination led to the revolution by the third estate.
Rising prices: The population of France had increased. This resulted into more demand of food grains. So the price of bread rose rapidly, which the poor could not afford to buy. So the gap between the rich and poor widened.
Inspiration of the philosophers: Philosophers like John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Montesquieu propagated the ideas of having a society where people would enjoy freedom, equal laws and equal opportunities. Their ideas inspired the people of France to realise their dreams.
Role of middle class: The 18th century witnessed the emergence of social groups termed as middle class, who earned their wealth through an expanding trade of the manufactured goods, being exported. There were other professionals also like lawyers, administrative officials who were all educated. They believed that no group in society should be privileged by birth.

Q.  Discuss the non-farming activities in village Palampur.
  • Dairy is the main non-farming activity of the people of Palampur. ...
  • Some people are also engaged in small manufacturing units like spinning, weaving, leather making etc. ...
  • Many shopkeepers have set up their own shops selling stationary items, toothpaste, candles etc.
