The Himalayas CONTENT: 1. The Himalayan Range Himadri Himachal Shiwaliks 2. Himalayan Region from East to West 3. Passes of the Himalayas 4. Highest Peaks of the Himalayas The mountains extending between the Indus river and the Brahmaputea river are called the Himalayas (abode/house of snow). The Himalayas are the youngest mountains in the world and are structurally the folded mountains. THe Himalayas run along the northern border of India. The Himalayas form an Arc which is about 2,400 Km long. THe width varies from 400 km in Kashmir to 150 km in Arunachal Pradesh. The altitidinal variations are greater in the eastern part than in the western part. The Himalayan Range The Himalayas consist of main three parallel ranges. The Great or Inner Himalayas (Himadri) :- This is the northernmost range and is also known as 'Himadri'. This is the most continuous range. It contains the loftiest peaks. The average height of peaks in this range is 6,000 meters. All the prominent Himalayan...